Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rooting Your House Plants

I am the first to admit that I do not have a green thumb for everything that grows, but I really like to grow things.  For some reason, I can kill Ivy with ease, but grow other house plants and most things in my garden without a problem. I really enjoy it and love having green things around my house, even though some of them meet an untimely death as a result of my own not so green thumb, little twiddling fingers, or my father forgetting (refusing) to water my house plants at least once when we are on vacation for 3 weeks.

Here is one of my success stories.

I acquired the plant I am rooting from a coworker's cutting more than 10 years ago.  Since that original cutting, I have rooted this plant many times.  They make great gifts for others who love some green in their homes, and it is pretty easy to accomplish with just a bit of patience.

This poor guy was so tall that he was falling over, so I decided it was time to cut him back (since he will grow back), make a few cuttings, and plant some of my cuttings that had already rooted.

My poor floppy plant.  I am hoping he will come back like this - perky.

Step 1
Start by getting a cutting.

Make sure your cutting has at least one whole segment, if your plant has segments.  I use the word, segment, but I am sure that is wrong.

Step 2
Place in a cup of water.  If your cutting is just a section make sure all or most of the cutting is under water.  If you still have the top leafy portion attached, make sure most of a complete section is immersed in water.  These are not scientific rules per say.  I have just been more successful following them myself.

Step 3
Place on a window sill or other direct sunlight.  Then...  Wait.  Add water when it evaporates.  Wait some more, etc.

Step 4
Keep checking on your cutting, not daily, weekly is fine.

Now this is not impossible to root, but I like to wait for a better root system.  You can already see the sprout on the side.

So this is a bit farther along than I usually wait, but I was distracted.  I did remember to keep watering him, though. 

Step 5
Put the rooted cutting in soil. (Great little red flower pot for $0.97 at Walmart, just in case you were wondering.)

Step 6
Water the plant.  I like to saturate the soil and let it sit for a few minutes to make sure that the new roots will get all the moisture that they need.  Then I pour off any extra moisture.

Finally, I wonder at my little oxygen maker.  I love my house plants.


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Beyond The Picket Fence Make It and Love It Nap-Time Creations House on the Way

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